Alumni engagement and philanthropy

Alumni Data Request Form

Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy maintains the master repository of alumni data which is regularly updated.

To request data for your School / Department please follow the steps below:

  • Chat to Shelley McEvoy or Paul Hawthorne via Teams if you need to discuss your data request..
  • Complete the eForm below.
  • Please note that data should not be stored for more than 3 months before use (we are happy to provide a data update at any point to ensure the information you are using is current).
  • It is important that you provide feedback on any alumni data updates that you obtain (i.e. Name / address / email / telephone or deceased alumni changes etc). This will help us to maintain accurate records and ensure that we provide you with good data in the future.
  • Do not create independent alumni databases from the data provided. Creating two separate data stores leads to inaccurate data, unnecessary duplication of workload and could make you legally liable under the Data Protection Act.

During busy periods we operate a queue system, where data requested will be processed on a first-come first-served basis within a 10 working days Operational Level Agreement (OLA).

If you are planning to contact your alumni we can help you. We can advise on successful past activities and the best way to proceed in order to reduce costs and maximise responses. We can also provide advise on how best to analyse results. 

By selecting Submit you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated above.


Email Address
Alumni age group (if applicable)
School or Faculty
Reason for request
Data required
State how you will contact the alumni
Date you intend to contact them

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